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Other Institutions
Adana Ticaret Borsasy
Bolsa de Comercio de Santa Fe
Abidjan Stock Exchange (Bourse des Valeurs d'Abidjan)
AEX-Options Exchange
AEX-Stock Exchange
American Stock Exchange
Amman Financial Market
Ascuncon Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores y Productos de Ascuncion)
Athens Derivatives Exchange
Athens Stock Exchange
Australian Derivatives Exchange (Australian Derivatives Exchange)
Australian Stock Exchange
Bahrain Stock Exchange
Barcelona Stock Exchange
Bavarian Stock Exchange (Bayerische Borse)
Belgian Futures & Options Exchange
Belgrade Stock Exchange (Beogradska Berza)
Bermuda Stock Exchange
Bilbao Stock Exchange (Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Valoes de Bilbao)
Bogota Stock Exchange
Bolivian Stock Exchange (Bolsa Boliviana de Valores SA)
Bolsa Electronica de Chile
Boston Stock Exchange, Inc
Botswana Stock Exchange
Bratislava Stock Exchange (Burza cenny ch papierov v Bratislave)
Brussels Stock Exchange (Societe de la Bourse de Valeurs Mobilieres de Bruxelles)
Bucharest Stock Exchange
Budapest Commodity Exchange
Budapest Stock Exchange
Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires)
Bulgarian Stock Exchange
Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges
Canadian Venture Exchange
Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Baden Pelaksana Pasar Modal)
Caracas Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Caracas)
Casablanca Stock Exchange (Societe de la Bourse des Valeurs de Casablanca)
Cayman Islands Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
Colombo Stock Exchange
Commodity and Monetary Exchange of Malaysia
Commodity Exchange of Ljubljana
Copenhagen Stock Exchange & FUTOP (Kobenhavns Fondsbors)
Deutsche Terminborse
European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
Finnish Options Exchange (Suomen Optioporssi Oy)
German Stock Exchange (Deutsche Borse AG)
Ghana Stock Exchange
Guayaquil Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil, CC)
Helsinki Exchanges
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
International Petroleum Exchange of London Ltd
International Securities Exchange
Irish Stock Exchange
Istanbul Stock Exchange (Istanbul Menkul Kiymetler Borasi)
Italian Derivatives Market
Italian Stock Exchange (Consiglio de Borsa)
Jakarta Stock Exchange (PT Bursa Efek Jakarta)
Jamaica Stock Exchange
Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Kansai Agricultural Commodities Exchange
Kansas City Board of Trade
Karachi Stock Exchange
Korea Stock Exchange
Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
Kuwait Stock Exchange
Lahore Stock Exchange
Lima Stock Exchange (La Bolsa de Valores de Lima)
Lisbon Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa)
Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Inc
London International Futures & Options Exchange
London Metal Exchange
London Stock Exchange
Luxembourg Stock Exchange (Societe Anonyme de la Bourse de Luxembourg)
Macedonia Stock Exchange
Madrid Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Madrid)
Malta Stock Exchange
MATIF (Marche a Terme International de France)
Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, SA de CV)
MidAmerica Commodity Exchange
Minneapolis Grain Exchange
MONEP (Marche des Options Negociables de Paris)
Montreal Exchange (Bourse de Montreal)
Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange
Nagoya Stock Exchange (Nagoya Shoken Torihikijo)
Nairobi Stock Exchange
Namibian Stock Exchange
Nasdaq Stock Market
National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUF)
National Stock Exchange of India
National Stock Exchange of Lithuania
New York Board of Trade
New York Mercantile Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
New Zealand Futures & Options Exchange Ltd
New Zealand Stock Exchange
Nicaraguan Stock Exchange (BOLSA DE VALORES DE NICARAGUA, S.A.)
Nigerian Stock Exchange
Occidente Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Occidente SA)
Oporto Derivatives Exchange (Bolsa de Derivados do Oporto)
Osaka Securities Exchange (Osaka Shoken Torihikijo)
Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Bors)
Pacific Stock Exchange, Inc
Palestine Securities Exchange
Panama Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Panama, SA)
Parana Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores do Parana)
Paris Stock Exchange (Bourse de Paris)
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
Philippine Stock Exchange
Prague Stock Exchange
Quito Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Quito CC)
Riga Stock Exchange
Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Rio de Janeiro)
Romanian Commodities Exchange (Bursa Romana de Marfuri SA)
Rosario Board of Trade (Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario)
Rosario Stock Exchange (Mercado de Valores de Rosario SA)
Russian Exchange
Santiago Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago)
Sao Paolo Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paolo)
Securities Exchange of Barbados
Shanghai Metal Exchange
Sibiu Monetary-Financial and Commodities Exchange (Bursa Monetar-Financiara si de Marfuri Sibiu)
Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd
Sofia Commodity Exchange
South African Futures Exchange
Spanish Financial Futures Market (MEFF Renta Fija)
Spanish Options Exchange (MEFF Renta Variable)
St Petersburg Futures Exchange
St Petersburg Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange "Saint-Petersburg"
Stock Exchange of Mauritius
Stock Exchange of Singapore
Stockholm Stock Exchange Ltd (Stockholm Fondbors AB)
Surabaya Stock Exchange (PT Bursa Efek Surabaya)
Swaziland Stock Market
Swiss Exchange
Swiss Options & Financial Futures Exchange AG
Sydney Futures Exchange
Taiwan Stock Exchange
Tallinn Stock Exchange
Tehran Stock Exchange
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd
The Baltic Exchange
The Cincinnati Stock Exchange
The Commodities & Futures Exchange (Bolsa de Mercadoris & Futuros)
The Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange
The London Securities and Derivatives Exchange
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai
The Swedish Futures and Options Market (OM Stockholm AB)
Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Tokyo Kogyoin Torihikijo)
Tokyo Grain Exchange (Tokyo Kokumotsu Shohin Torihikijo)
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange (Tokyo Shoken Torihikijo)
Toronto Stock Exchange
Tradepoint Investment Exchange
Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange
Tunis Stock Exchange (Bourse des Valeurs Mobilieres de Tunis)
Venezuela Electronic Stock Exchange
Waste Management Commodities Exchange
Warsaw Commodity Exchange (Warszawska Gielda Towarowa)
Warsaw Stock Exchange
Wiener Borse AG (Wiener Borse)
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
Winnipeg Stock Exchange
Yerevan Stock Exchange
Yokohama Raw Silk Exchange (Yokohama Kiito Torihikijo)
Zagreb Stock Exchange (Zagrebacka Burza)
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
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